In preparation
Magpali, L.; Freitas, L.; Ramos, E. K. S.; de Souza, E. M. S.; Nery, M. F. Molecular evolution of hearing genes highlights multiple evolutionary paths for dolphin echolocation in different environments. BMC Evolutionary Biology.
Gomes-Lamounier, G.L; Aureliano, T.; Veras, M.M.; Magpali, L.; Coelho, M.S.Z.S.; Rodrigues, A.C.B.; Ghilardi, A.M.. Bone density in thoracic limps as an ecomorphological indicator in toothed whales.
Submitted & under review
2023 Selleghin-Veiga, G.; Magpali, L.; Picorelli, A.; Silva, F. A.; Ramos, E.; Nery, M. F. Breathing air and living underwater: molecular evolution of genes related to antioxidant response in cetaceans and pinnipeds. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Submission ID: JMEV-D-23-00060
2023 Ramos, E.; Silva, F.A.; Picorelli, A.; Freitas, L.; Selleghin-Veiga, G.; Magpali, L.; Nery, M.F. Molecular footprints on osmoregulation-related genes associated with freshwater colonization by cetaceans and sirenians. Journal of Molecular evolution.
2023 Magpali, L., Bielawski, J. (2023) Why are whales big? Genes behind ocean giants. Trends in Genetics, 39(6), 436-438.
2021 Magpali, L., Machado, D. R., Araújo, T. Q., & Garraffoni, A. R. (2021). Long distance dispersal and pseudo-cryptic species in Gastrotricha: first description of a new species (Chaetonotida, Chaetonotidae, Polymerurus) from an oceanic island with volcanic rocks. European Journal of Taxonomy, 746(1), 62–93.
2019 Estevão, L. M. M.; Nery, M. F. Molecular evolution of echolocation genes in cetaceans and bats. Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, (26).
2016 Estevão, L. M. M.; Garraffoni, A. R. S. Sistemática do gênero Polymerurus (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotidae) no Brasil. In: XXIV CONGRESSO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA UNICAMP, 2016, Resumos… Campinas, GALOÁ, 2018.10.19146/pibic-2016-52007.